
webweb is a tool for creating, displaying, and sharing interactive network visualizations on the web, designed for simplicity and ease of use. With just a few lines of python, networkx, or matlab, webweb will build and launch a visualization in your browser.

Here’s an example of webweb’s style and functionality. The network itself comes from Hunter Wapman et al.’s analysis of character co-occurrences in the novel Infinite Jest.


  • simple, lightweight, intuitive, and configurable
  • python, networkx, and MATLAB support
  • easy to share (visualizations are contained in a single html file that has no dependencies)
  • easy to embed
  • supports metadata, communities, weighted networks, and multi-layer networks

the simplest example


from webweb import Web

# make a list of unweighted edges
edge_list = [[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]]

# instantiate webweb and show the result
% make a list of unweighted edges
edge_list = [...
    1, 2;
    2, 3;
    3, 4;



# requires numpy
pip install webweb
git clone https://github.com/dblarremore/webweb

citing webweb

you don’t have to cite webweb to use it, but if you’d like to, we certainly appreciate it!