
webweb.Web(adjacency=[], title='webweb', display={}, adjacency_type=None, nodes={}, metadata=None, nx_G=None, gml_file=None)

a webweb object. a collection of named webweb Network objects, a set of display parameters, and a title


  • web = Web(adjacency=[[0, 1]], title='a web woohoo')


  • adjacency: edge list or adjacency matrix
  • title: string. Will set the html title of the visualization if display.attachWebwebToElementWithId = None
  • display: dictionary of display parameters
  • adjacency_type: string. ‘matrix’ or ‘edge list’
  • nodes: dict of node attribute dicts
      'key1': {
          'attribute1': 'value1',
  • metadata: dict of vectorized metadata and display information.
      'attribute': {
          'values': [ "attribute_value", ...],
          # `categories` only needs to be supplied if `values` holds
          # categorical data that is represented by numbers.
          # the values in the `values` array will be used as indexes to
          # this array.
          'categories': ["category1", "category2", ...]
          # `type` only needs to be set if you're displaying binary
          # information with 0/1 instead of True/False
          'type': 'binary',
  • nx_G: a networkx graph.
  • gml_file: path to a gml file

nodes which appear in both the adjacency and as keys in the nodes dictionary will be given the values of the attributes under their corresponding key in the nodes dictionary

adjacency_type only needs to be supplied if your adjacency is represented as a matrix and that matrix has 3 or fewer nodes